Mar 31, 2017 | Artist, Carla, Confessions, diary, Experience, Journey, performance, storytelling, theatermusica
As long as I remember, I loved stories. I loved hearing them. I remember being under a table as a toddler listening to my mother reading :”Pinocchio”, which in my toddler language would become ” Zitocchio” :-). Why under the table, I do not...
Mar 24, 2017 | Arte, Artista, bitonto, Carla, casa, Confessioni, crescere i figli, Diario, educare, Esperienze, genitori, Puglia
Io sono stata una bambina precoce. Sono andata a scuola a 5 anni, ho cominciato a studiare il piano a 7. Riuscivo bene in tutto, ero curiosa e docile abbastanza da farmi guidare nell’apprendimento. Ho sempre preso voti buonissimi perchè imparavo velocemente,e non ho...
Mar 13, 2017 | Art, Artist, Carla, concert, Opera, Theatre
Hallo, my name is Carla Regina, I am a (Opera) singer, theatre maker. Never mind the theatre maker, or the parentheses. You did not hear them, you did not read them. All you heard is “Opera singer”. That’s a word that carries a heavy load of images, concepts and...