“The italian mezzo has lots of the elements of an ideal Carmen: a powerful dramatic mezzoprano sound, a sensual look matched with a brilliant acting talent.” (The Westland Courant-The Netherlands)
“A success turned to triumph with the audience charmed by her enchanting voice and the stage presence…”(Italia amiga-Brasilonline-Brasil)
”…Her voice is a powerful and intense instrument, it comes straight to your heart. The complete mastering of her voice and her versatility are the strongest points of this mezzo of many colours and nuances.” (Corriere del Teatro, Italy)
“…Carla Regina proves in this show that she is at home in different music styles. She sings opera, art songs, and Italian folk ballads in such an intense manner…..her versatility is astounding.” (Parool-The Netherlands)

My journey with music
begun as a child, playing the piano, and it went on later, much later, with me becoming an opera singer.
I graduated in piano, classical voice, and vocal chamber music, completed my education with masterclasses, acting classes and stage direction internships in famous theaters. I start very soon working as a piano correpetitor, and in this capacity I was blessed to work with the likes of Claudio Abbado and other very inspiring artists for some unforgettable productions.
But singing was my true calling. Therefore…here we go, starting all over again.
I made my debut in France, sung with some of finest orchestras and in opera houses, concert halls and festivals in Europe and in the world. I received awards,have been featured in magazines, and appeared on radio en television.
Still, I had this dream in my heart.
An urge to create, write and perform shows which would combine singing, acting, and storytelling. I called it theatermusica.
And, as all the things of my life I followed that dream.
“Music for a while” was the first, followed by “Het leven is een Opera” .
In 2009 Foundation “Voice, Actually!” was born, a creative and productional platform for all my work.
At “Voice, Actually” I produced and performed: “In viaggio”, “Preludiando”, “Liederen van heimwee en saamhorigheid”.
Those shows featured great artistic collaborations, and were blessed with great reviews and enthousiastic audience.
While working as opera singer, performer and theatermaker for myself, I lead the opera group Opera Viva, in Het Klooster , Woerden, I create/direct shows for others (De Waterprins, EenGroene Harts Droom), and I fundraise with my work for the Project “Maternity Lia Speranza” , dedicated to my late mother, my inspiration of a lifetime.
This my journey so far, and it has been an incredible ride.
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Theatermusica, what is that?
I get inspired by a story, I write the concept, the script, choose the music that fits what we are trying to portray, create with an artistic team a show, and perform it.
Identity, roots, concept of home, sense of longing and belonging, those subjects touch me and inspire me deeply as a theatermaker and performer.
Theater, music, classical, pop, folk, acting, moving, different art forms, storytelling, together.
They call it musictheatre, I call it theatermusica.
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